一、课例名称:《开心学英语Book5》Culture1 Weather


Step 1: Free talk

(在上课前一天,先布置学生上网收集有关马来西亚、芬兰和澳大利亚三个国家的一些信息,并预习Culture1 Weather.)

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning, Miss Chen.

T: What’s the date today?

S: It’s December 9th.

T: What is the weather like today?

S: It’s sunny and windy.

T: What the season is it now?

S: It’s winter.


T: Let’s see the weather of China. What’s the weather like in Beijing?

S: It’s cold and snowy.

T: Yes, how about Tianjing? Now the whole class make the question.

Ss: What’s the weather like in Tianjing?

S: It’s cloudy and cold.

T: Good. How about Shanghai? Let’s ask it together.

Ss: What’s the weather like in Shanghai?

S: It’s rainy.

T: How about Guangzhou?

S1: What’s the weather like in Guangzhou?
