姓名 班级 得分



1. n w 2. st de t

3. hite 4. f end


1. come down 2.一名护士

3. our school 4.我的哥哥

5. be late for school 6.大眼睛


1. teacher tea ( ) 2. boy brother ( ) 3.chat cat ( ) 4.bed head ( )


( )1.Welcome my home .

A. to B. too C. two

( )2. that boy ? He‘s David .

A. Whose B. Where C. Who’s

( )3. your mother a nurse ? Yes.

A. Are B. Is C. Who‘s

( )4.The girl a red dress is my sister .

A. in B. has C. with

( )5.He’s late the party .

A. of B. to C. for

( )6.The old is my grandfather .

A. man B. woman C. girl

( )7.Don‘t climb again .

A. tree B. trees C. this tree

( )8.Where’s my cat , Mum ? Oh , It‘s the tree .

A. on B. at C. in

( )9.Who’s man over there ? He‘s my father .

A. this B. that C. those

( )10. school bag is Helen’s ? The red one is .

A. Which B. Where C. What

( )11.Don‘t climb the table .

A. in B. on C. at



the boy big nose ? my .


I’m a here .


she your ? ? The a red skirt .


your ? He‘s the study .

十一、阅读对话,判断正误。(对的写“T”,错的写“F” )

Look!This is my family photo.This is my mum.She is a teacher.This

is my father.He is a doctor.Who is the boy with big eyes?Oh,it’s my

brother Mike.he‘s 12.Look at the girl!It’s me.Mike and I are students.

We love our faminy and school.

1.My mother is a nurse. ( )

2.Mike is twelve.

3.Mike‘s eyes are small . ( )

4.There are 5 people(人) in my faminy . ( )

5.Mike and I like our faminy . ( )