2. T: Wow, it’s a big and nice classroom, isn’t it? Whose classroom is it? You know? It’s Ben’s. 今天Ben的学校里来了很多老师和学生,因为今天是Ben的学校的open day。(PPT显示词组)”Open day” means “开放日”. Follow me, please. (教师带读)Ben正在给他的朋友介绍他的教室呢。你们想不想去看看? OK. Let’s go.

(本步骤设计说明:本课句型There be 结构是学生学习的难点,教师通过四幅与课文相关的地点图片,并以游戏的形式让学生猜一猜,在增强教学的趣味性的同时,将课文中的重难点较为直观地呈现给学生,并将课文中出现的生词渗透在四幅图片逐一化解。)




2.(镜头转向老师)T: 还记得Ben是怎样介绍自己教室的吗?(停顿)Good. This is our classroom. (出示单词卡片:our) What does “our” mean? (停顿)Yeah, clever! It means “我们的”. Follow me, please. (教师带读)Yeah. It’s big and bright, Right? (出示单词卡片:bright)”Bright” means “明亮的”. Now, follow me, please. (教师带读bright, It’s big and bright.)What’s in Ben’s classroom? And What’s in Ben’s friend’s classroom? Let’s listen and watch again.

3. (PPT再播放课文1至3幅图内容一遍)

4. T: Have you got the answer? What’s in Ben’s classroom? There’s a TV in Ben’s classroom, right? Sometimes they watch TV in class. (显示词组:in class在班上)”In class” means “在班上”. (教师带读)What’s in Ben’s friend’s classroom? Ben的朋友的教室里又有什么呢?Can you answer?(停顿)Great. There’s a blackboard. There are some bookcases. 介绍完教室之后, Ben又给他的朋友介绍了哪里呢? Let’s go on to have a look.
