The second period



2、掌握及会运用句型How much is / are……?对不同的物品询问价钱,并会准确回答。

3、能用That’s cheap / expensive ! 对比物品的价钱。




1、is, are与名词单复数的对应关系。


3、expensive的读音。 教具:学习用品、实物、人民币和自制简单课件。



1. Greeting, say hello to the children.

2. Go over the numbers 1-100 as quickly as possible.快速教会学生超过100的表达法,如278 two hundred and seventy-eight.

3. Ask and answer this question How much is this / that / the ……? It’s ……yuan.


1、出示两支不同价钱的钢笔, ask and answer:

T: How much is this pen? S: It’s five yuan. T: How much is that pen? S: It’s fifty yuan.

教师引出新知识点,连续说三次,提醒学生注意新单词: This pen is five yuan.

That’s cheap! That pen is fifty yuan. That’s expensive! 让个别优生模防着说,

注意纠正expensive的发音。 学习单词cheap和expensive,开火车的形式检查That’s cheap!和That’s expensive!


A: How much is this / that / the ……? B: It’s ……yuan. That’s cheap! / That’s expensive!

3、拿出刚才出示过的一支钢笔,学生之间问答A: How much is this pen?

B: It’s five yuan. 教师再拿出相同的另外一支,尽量让多位优生说问句,启发学生寻找错误,

得到正确的句子How much are these pens? 充分让学生思考答句,最后教师说出三个句子让学生选择It’s 10 yuan. These are 10 yuan. They are 10 yuan.

4、课件出示复数形式的不同物品(socks, shoes, pants, apples…) 的价钱,引导学生问答:

T: How much are these / those ……? S : They are …… yuan. That’s cheap! / That’s expensive!


A: How much are these / those ……? B: They are …… yuan. That’s cheap! / That’s expensive!

6、简单引出并学习单词: dollar, pound

Ⅲ. Practice

1. Open books at page 27, practice 2 个学生间进行问答,抽学生表演。

2. Books close, listen to the tape once carefully, look at the following questions.

Listen once more, then answer the questions.

1) What’s that?

2) How much is the hat?

3) Is that cheap or expensive?

4) Can Gogo do magic?

3. Repeat after the tape, read together. Then read in groups of three.


Ⅴ. Homework:

1. Learn the sentences in Target by heart.

2. Copy the sentences in Target.

3. Complete Ex.2 and Ex. 4 in workbook.

4. Go to the supermarket, find and write down the prices of the goods which you like,

then make sentences in the exercise books.