话题 介绍家庭成员用语。

句型 This is my mom. Who’s she? She’s my sister.

语法 特殊疑问句

词汇 dad, me who, he , she, sister,








Step1 Warming up

1. 教师与学生用英语互相问候。

2. Revision

T: 呈现房间图片 What can you see?

S: pencil / book / bag / computer……

Step2 Presentation

1. Look and listen

T: Look at the picture. He’s …。 She’s …。

S: Jack / Xiaolan / Mike / Tutu

2. Listen and read

T: (Point to the Jack’s photo. ) Who’s she? Who’s he? 放录音

S: Listen

T: (Point to the Jack’s photo.) Who’s she?

S: mom

T: (Point to the Jack’s photo.) Who’s she? 板书让学生跟读who she

S: who who who’s she (拼读,齐读,个别读)

T: she 指着班级女孩子

S: she

T VS S: Who’s she?

S: She’s my sister.

T: sister 领读 板书 sss

S: 学生书空sister (学生个别读)

T: Who’s she?

S: She’s Song Yaqing. / ……。

T: Who’s he? 指着爸爸的图片学习单词he

S: he(one by one)

T: 指着班级同学

S: he / she

T: Who’s he?

S: dad

T: dad, 板书 学过的语音知识让学生通过读音拼出单词的字母

S: dad ( 多种形式读)

T: 指着班级同学问Who’s she/ he?

S: She’s …。 / He’s…。

T: 指着图中的自己问Who’s she?

S: She’s Tina.

T: She’s me. 学习me

S: me (齐读)

3. Let’s play a game.

T: Guess. Who’s she/he?

T: 课件呈现出班主任教师照片,让学生提问并回答Who’s _____? _____’s ____?

S: Who’s she?

S: She’s Miss Guo.

T: 课件呈现出班级集体照

S!: Who’s he? S2: He’s Wu Jialin. S3: He’s me.


Ss: Who’s he? S4: He’s …。

T: 课件呈现学生的生活照片,让学生问答

Ss: Who’s she/ he?

T: 指着照片中家人让学生自己介绍。

S: She’s my mom. He’s my dad.

Step 3 Practice

1. Listen and repeat.

T: 教师放录音,学生跟读

S: Read. (齐读、自读、个别读)

2. T: Look at the picture. Fill in the words to complete the dialog.

Sx :This is my mom. …。

Ss :Read the dialog.

3. T: Listen and check the correct answer.

S: Listen and choose.

4. T: Look at the picture. Choose a word in each blank to complete the sentence, then write them.

S: Look and write.

5. T: Use the sentences to practice the conversation.

S: She’s my mom / sister. He’s my dad.

Step 4 Homework.