T: Do you like stories, children?

Ss: Yes.

T: Now I'd like to tell you a story. It is about a Monkey King.(通过课件呈现一个盒子,猴王出现在盒子里)

T: Look! The Monkey King is in the box.(点击课件,猴王跳到了盒子上)Now we can see the Monkey King is on the box. But it was in the box a moment ago.(继续点击课件,猴王从盒子上消失)Where is the Monkey King? Can you see it?

S1: No, I can't see it now.

T: Where was the Monkey King a moment ago?

S1: It was on the box.

T: Where is the Monkey King now? Can you see it? (点击课件,猴王跳到盒子后面)It's behind the box now. Where was the Monkey King a moment ago?

S2: It was on the box.



4. 利用故事学习英美文化

语言是文化的载体,要想真正掌握一门语言,必须了解产生和使用该语言的特定的文化背景。在教《牛津小学英语》5A Unit 4 Halloween时,我根据英美国家Halloween的风俗习惯,创编了如下故事。

On Halloween, Mary and Tom came to Mr Black's house. There was a pumpkin lantern in Tom's hand. They knocked at the door and asked, “Trick or Treat!” They got some sweets and gifts. Then, they went to Mrs Green's house and asked, “Trick or Treat!” But Mrs Green didn't give them any gifts, so they colour Mrs Green's white cat black.

