2. 阅读中的活动(while-reading activities)

本阶段的目的是使学生获取较详细的篇章信息(checking detailed information),了解和熟悉课文中的生词、短语、结构等语言现象。在阅读中的活动可以是“自下而上”(Bottom-up processing)的模式。

(1) 阅读策略活动 “猜”类活动主要特点是学生与所猜的内容存在一定的信息差,利用这种活动方式,导入并学习重、难点词汇,深受学生的喜爱。比如,在《新版小学英语》六年级下册Lesson 13一课中,我让学生先猜一猜Terry的小区是什么样的,并用图片让学生在黑板上自己放置小区内各个地点的位置,然后问:“Is it right? Let’s read and check.”让学生自己去验证他们的预测是否正确,这时他们的注意力就非常集中,阅读的效率和准确率也随之提高。在简短的第一次阅读以及检测和讨论其答案之后,学生已了解全文的梗概。教师可使用快捷问题(quick questions )和适度的讲解、讨论来梳理全文的信息和语言。这些问题可以是Yes-No questions,也可以是True or False,也可以是选择,教师也可设置细节性问题,让学生带着问题进行第二次阅读,然后讨论问题、解决问题,如让学生完成表格,或画图等等。如:Famous places around China The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest wonders of the world. It’s over 2,000 years old and more than 4,500 miles long. Bing Ma Yong or the Museum of Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses, is near Xi’an in Shaanxi Province. There are thousands of warriors and horses buried in the grave of the first Chinese Emperor, Qin Shihuang. Do you know how many? Huangshan is called the Yellow Mountains in English. They are in south Anhui Province. Huangshan is famous for its beautiful mountains. Xihu, or the West Lake, is in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. With each season, the lake looks different. There are beautiful lotus flowers and fish in the water. 教学时,在初读的基础上要求学生再读,并且,设计了这样一个表格让学生完成: Name Another name City Province Have you been there? 这个表格可以帮助学生很快理清文章的脉络,抓住文章的主要内容,同时,也可以锻炼学生获取信息的技能技巧。
