
T: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Are you happy today? I’m so happy, and please show me your happy face. Today I am going to show you some photos. Please look at the screen.

(PPT 展示照片)

T: Wow, who are they? They are our classmates.

You have grown up day after day. Now look at this photo, do you know why theyare crying?

(学生讨论,图片中出示对话 书中P2)

Some of them feel excited, but some of them are really sad. How about you? Are yougoing to go to middle school?

(板书 Are you going to go to middle school?)

Presentation :

1. Listen and answer.

T: You are goingto go to middle school, but how about your friends Lingling,

Amy and Sam? Let’s listen.

(PPT 展示 并认读)

Q:(1)。 What is Linglinggoing to do this September?

She is going to go to middle school.

(2)。What are Amy and Sam going to do?

They are going to go back to England.

They are going to start a new school.


2. Listen and find “going to.”

(板书 going to)

T: Now please open your book, look at P38. There are so many “going to” in this dialogue. Listen and circle “going to.” Then let’s count how many “going to” in this dialogue.(让学生找出每一句,并带读。PPT 展示)

(study, Geography 同时进行单词教授并板书。)

3. Read and answer.

T: Ok, all of you did a good job.

Now I am going to give you 3 minutes to read this dialogue, then please tell me…

(PPT 展示 并认读)

Q:(1)。Is Lingling happy to go to middle school?

Yes, she said “I’m really excited.”

(2)。 What is Amy think about of Chinese?

It’ useful.

(3)。 Will Lingling miss Amy and Sam? Yes, she said “I will miss you.”

(really, useful 同时进行单词教授并板书。)

4. Listen and repeat.

T: Now please read this dialogue after the tape. Let me see who the best one is.

5. Complete

Amy is goingto go to middle school this September. She is really excited. She is going to study History, Science, and Geography. Amy and Samare going to go back to England. They’re going to start a new school. Amy think Chinese is useful. Lingling think English is useful,too. They’ll always be friends. They can write and send lots and lots of emails. They will miss each other.


T: Great!

And youare going to go to middle school this September. Your life in middle school will be colorful. Now let’s talk about your middleschool. I have some questions for you. Please work in pairs, and after 5 minutes I will invite you to act it out.

Qs: Are you excited togo to middle school?

Which middle school are you going to go to?

Where is it?

How will you get to school? By…

What subjects will you study there?

What will you say to your friends when you are going to go to middle school?

I will miss you.

T: I’m so happy to be your teacher, and all of you are going to go to middle school this September. I’ll miss you.


1) listen tothe tape 30 mimutes.

2) Read the words and dialogue.

3) Copy the new words 10 times.

OK, so much for today. Thank you, goodbye.