2. Let’s chant

创设英语学习气氛,让学生在有节奏的歌谣中体验语言,在活泼优美的旋律中感受语言,在轻松愉快的语言活动中输入语言,在做中学,在唱中学,在玩中学 。同时,以此复习旧知,并为自然引出本课话题作铺垫 。

Step2: Revision and presentation

1. Free talk

T: What woud you like?

S: bread……

T: What do you have for breakfast today?

S;I have … for breakfast.

2. Teaching the new word: sandwich.

T: (Show the sandwich) What’s this?

S: 三明治

T:Could you speak it in English?

S: ……


T:纠正发音,和同学一起反复读熟 。

3. Teaching the new word: milk and juice.

T:(show the box of the milk.) The milk is my favorite. The milk is delicious!

Look! What is it?

S: M—i—l—k

T: Milk! I want to drink, do you want to drink?(做喝牛奶的动作)

S: Yes! I want to drink.

T: (Show another box of juice.)Is it milk?

S: No! It’s not milk!

T: Look! There is an red apple !(Point to the picture on the box)
