1. 聪明人花费大量时间学习各种知识。

Being intelligent is high maintenance。 Among other factors it is also something that is acquired and involves hard work。 An intelligent person is able to talk about just about anything because he reads and learns about everything under the sun。


2. 聪明人更精通因特网。

An online survey showed that more than three-quarters of people who undertook the survey believe that the Internet makes people smart。 This idea stems from the fact that Internet dispenses knowledge impartially and has also improved reading and writing。


3. 他们更能熬夜。

Sleep researchers tend to divide people into two groups, based on whether they exhibit “morningness” or “eveningness”。 A recent study claims that eveningness is an evolutionary advancement that marks out “more intelligent individuals。”


4. 聪明人更少使用电子设备,因为能导致信息过量或信息上瘾。

As a study says, infomania is turning out to be a grave problem for adult workers。 It is a form of distraction caused by the constant urge to check mails or text messages and in return makes a person neglect almost everything from family to duties。


5. 学习音乐的孩子可能比同龄人更聪明。

As a report suggests, “There is growing evidence that musicians have structurally and functionally different brains compared with non-musicians。 In particular, the areas of the brain used to process music are larger or more active in musicians。 Even just starting to learn a musical instrument can change the neurophysiology of the brain。 The brain regions involved in music processing are also required for other tasks, such as memory or language skills。”


6. 聪明人与小伙伴们相比更有可能服用消遣药物。
