
 Module 1

 Unit 1

 Where is the cat?




Where is the cat? It’s on/ in/ under„ How many cats? One, two, three„twelve cats.


TPR活动,Hide and Seek, 数手指,猜拳。




学习Where is the cat? It’s on/ in/ under„ How many cats? One, two, three„twelve cats.


Tape, pictures, etc. 教学手段、方法 交际,活动,情境,练习

教 学 过 程 :

Step 1 Greetings

 Step 2 Sing the song: Numbers song.

Review: Count 1 to 10 together.

Step 3 Activity 1 listen and point

1. T: Boys and girls, please open your books on page 2. Hold up your book to show the children the correct page. Please listen to the CD, point the pictures and find Where‘s„?‖。

2. Talk about the picture in Chinese. Ask the children to guess as much information as possible.

T: Look at your book, what‘re these?

S: Cats.

T: Where are they? On the bed or under the bed?

T: How many cats on the bed? Can you count? Let‘s count together, OK ? Oh! There are 12 cats on the bed.

 Step 4 Learn the words 、sentences and the text.

Teacher can tick the new words, and writes on the Bb, then let the Ss guess the meaning. Teach them, drill them.

SB unit1 part 2

T: Boys and girls, let‘s listen to the tape and read after it. Please point to the person saying each utterance. Demonstrate by holding up your book. Listen to the part1 again, Ss read after it.

Step 5 Practice (SB unit1 part3) First, read the following words three times, then teacher makes a example with gestures:

S1:Where‘s the pencil? T: Is it under the book?

S1: Yes, it is. / No, it isn‘t.

Ss practise in pairs, then act it.

Step6: TPR活动

Teacher say , Ss do!

T: Put your book on your desk. Put your pencil in your pencil-box. Put your ruler under the book.

Step7: Game: Who is winner?!


Module 1 Unit 1

Where‘s the cat ?

It‘s under the bed. in on under