
1、通过Listen and say中关于度假计划的情景对话,帮助学生掌握本单元的核心句型。

2、通过look and learn栏目,帮助学生学习本单元的生词。


1、能掌握单词holiday, clear, island, seafood, hotel, how long, go swimming

2、会运用句型 Where will we stay?

How long will we stay in Sanya?




 Pre-task preparations


What are you going to do this weekend?

We are going to visit Hangzhou this weekend, this weekend.

How are you going there this weekend, this weekend?

We are going there by plane this weekend, this weekend.

… While-task procedure

1、用Apple tree游戏引入单词hotel。

T:(draw a line on the blackboard and five short lines under it. Then point to the short lines) this is a new word. There are five letters in this word. Please guess what are the first letter is.

S1: A.

S2: B.

…T: Yes, well done. Please read after me. H-o-t-e-l, hotel.

Ss: H-o-t-e-l, hotel.


T: (point to the card for hotel) What’s this?

S1: It’s a hotel.

T: How is the hotel?

S2: The hotel is beautiful.

最后,教师要求学生用hotel和be going to 组词并造句,看谁的句子最长。


2、播放listen and say的录音,并出示以下问题,学生听录音后回答问题。

1) Where are the Lis going this summer?

2) How do they get there?

3) Where will they stay?

4) How long will they stay there?


a They will go swimming there.

b They will row a boat there.

c They will play football there.

d They will have seafood there.

e They will fly a kite there.

What will the Lis do there?


4、学生四人一组,扮演一个家庭,仿照listen and say 的对话,用所学单词和句型自编对话。请一到两组学生表演对话。

 Post-task activities
