Step1 Warming up.

1 greetings

T: Class begins!

S: Stand up!

T: Good morning, everyone!

S: Good morning ,Ms Tan

2,Sing a song “colors”

3, review the unit I: point to…

Step2 Presentation

Show the pictures of cap,cat, dog, teach these words, and then ask “what colour?”

Students read these words themselves, then I will ask some students to read them.

Step3 Learn text.

teach the new sentences:It’s a …cat/dog/cap. First read after me, then they read themselves.

Let students to be a little teacher to stand up to read.

Play the PPT. Ss look at the pictures and read after the teacher

Tep4. Practice

Look, find and say.

1.让学生观察Activity 3中的图片,找出其中的不同,并进行描述。

2.老师示例:It’s a yellow cap. And it’s a red cap.



如:老师拿起书,让学生说It’s a red book.


T: Class is over.

S: Stand up.

T: Goodbye, everyone.

S: Goodbye ,Ms Tan.


1. Read and remember the text

2. Finish the work of Qingjingdaoxue.


design Module4 Colours

Unit2 It’s a black dog.

It’s a…dog. Red yellow

It’s a…cat. Black blue

It’s a…cap. Green

