1.Teaching Aims

Let the students master the words and letters:

Ss  Tt  Uu  Vv  teacher  student

Let the students listen and read these words :

under vest violin  van

student tiger spoon snake  teacher umbrella

2.Teaching Aids

a tape recorder cards pictures

3.Important points

4-skill letter and words: Ss  Tt  Uu  Vv

4.Teaching steps

1) Greetings and song

After the greetings sing a song with the students.

2) Revision

Review these words:

snake student tiger teacher umbrella

under vest violin

Let some one recite the dialogue and make some groups to show the dialogue.

3)New content

A: New words: Spoon  van

B: Ask a student read the words and let others read after him.

Read and spell the words. Listen to the tape, imitate and practice the sentences.

5. Homework

Master the new letters and words , then write them.

Ss  Tt  Uu  Vv

teacher  student boy girl
