
1、知识目标:用名词来辨认人物的职业。e.g. postman,policeman 用形容词来描述人物。 e.g. tall, short




Words: postman policeman driver fireman milkman tall short




 Step III: Presentation

1. Learn five words

a. Dress five boys up as a driver, a milkman, a postman, a policeman and a fireman.

Stand in a row at the front of the class. Each holds the appropriate word card. Point them one by one and say together with the class: He is a…

b. Read the words after the teacher.

c. Read one by one.

d. Invite some pupils to put the words under the pictures.

2. Learn: tall, short

a. Stand in front of the blackboard and mark the teacher’s own height with a piece of chalk. Have a student come out and measure his height against the teacher’s. To elicit: tall, short

b. Write the two words. Read after the teacher.

c. A rhyme show a picture, and listen to the cassette. Sam 和 Peter 比身高,都说自己长得高。比一比,奥,Peter is tall. Sam is short.

Read after the cassette.

 Step IV: Consolidation

1. Play the cassette tape. Listen and repeat.

2. Play a game. Show a boy the word card for “driver” without letting others see it. Have him act out the word. The others guess “Is he a…?” The first student to guess correctly gets the second card. Compare: Is he tall? Continue the game.

3. Workbook page 14.

 Step V: 1.Listen to the cassette.

1. Listen to the cassette.

2. Workbook page 15.
