

学习新单词:postcard, more, thousand, kilometer, million学会听、说句子These postcards are great! It’s a picture of the Great Wall.


1、运用Tell me more的操练来了解讲诉某个地方(事件)的情况。学会听How long,How big开头的特殊疑问句。



运用Tell me more的说话操练来了解The Great Wall , New York, Beijing 情况。


关于数词的表达about eight million people , about six thousand seven hundred kilometer




一、Warm up

1. Greet with the students warmly.

2. Talk with the students about the activity during summer vocation.

(老师问候学生们,询问假期里都去了哪里?Where did you go in the summer holiday? I went to (青岛、潍坊、威海、济南、北京„„)建议他们通过展图片和照片介绍相关的情况,并要求使用It’s a picture of ----. It’s very---.老师从学生的图片中取几张比较典型的进行提问:“Do you know this place?”引导学生自由回答。

T: “Do you know this place?”

S: Yes, it’s --- T: “Can you tell me something about it? S: Yes, it’s ---)

二、Lead in

1. Show some pictures about the postcards and teach students the word postcard. 拿出一张名信片说“look,a beautiful postcard”板书跟读几遍。介绍名信片(背面可以用来书写,邮寄,另一面是漂亮的图片),出示一些名信片说“在名信片的一面printed a lot of beautiful pictures, such as, the Great Wall, The Huangshan Mountain, 然后老师说“It’s a picture about the Great Wall. 学生跟读,学生看图片练习说It’s a picture…句型。老师板书。

2. T: Daming is visiting America; he is talking something with his cousin, Simon. What are they talking about? Do you want to know?


1. Let’s look at the questions on the screen and listen to the dialogue, then answer them.

Are the postcards beautiful?

Is the Great Wall Short?

Then check the answer.

2. Open your books, and let’s listen to the dialogue again. When you listen to the dialogue, underline the new words. Try to guess the meaning of the new words.

3. Learn the new words.

学习新单词:postcard, more, thousand, kilometer, million

4. Play a game to consolidate the new words.


5. Listen again, ask the students to circle the important information in the dialogue. Then answer some questions.

Qs: 1. What are they talking about?

Qs: 2. How long is the Great Wall?

Qs: 3. How big is Beijing?

Qs: 4. How big is New York?

6. Perform 把全部分成两组,一组学生扮演Daming,一组学生扮演Simon,表演对话。


1. Listen and say. Ask the students to listen to the dialogue and then try to say the dialogue with your partner. 让学生根据图上的内容设计对话。并引导他们注意活动1题目要求中提及的“is”和“are”的使用。

2. Play a game: Tell me more. 这个游戏由两个人一组,学生A从图片中选一张(不要说出自己的选择)并进行简单的描述,学生B要试着根据描述猜出这个物品是什么。如果学生B无法根据描述猜出该物品是什么,他要使用“Tell me more.”请求获得更多信息,直到正确猜出该物品为止。老师可以先选择一张图,然后请学生提出问题并猜测,如

teacher (T) student (S)

T: It’s an animal.

S: Tell me more.

T: It’s very big.

S: Tell me more. Is it long?

T: It’s long.

S: Tell me more. Is it tall?

T: It’s tall.

S: Tell me more. Is its nose long?

T: It’s nose is long.

S: It’s an elephant.

T: You are right.




The Great Wall It’s a picture of … postcard

Tell me more … more

How long is it?  It’s about …  thousand  kilometres

How big is it?  It’s got… million