
一、Listen and number.(5×1′)

二、Listen and judge.(5×2′)

三、 Listen and choose.(5×2′)

( )1、A、 father
B、 mother
( )2、A、 big
B、 small
( )3、A、 a door
B、 a desk
C、a sofa
( )4、A、 a bell
B、 a chocolate
C、a T-shirt
( )5、A、a pie
B、 a cake
C、a hot dog

四、 Listen and choose. (5×2′)

( ) 1.A. Clean the table, please. B. Clean the chair, please.
( ) 2.A. What are these? B. What are those?
( ) 3.A. They are ants. B. They are flowers.
( )4. A. I like rice. B. Rice is nice.
( )5. A. Take off your sweater. B. Take off your coat.
 五、 Listen and choose the right answer.( 5×2′)

( ) 1. A. He’s my father. B. She’s my mother.
( ) 2. A. She’s a nurse. B. She’s my sister.
( ) 3. A. They are carrots. B. It is a carrot.
( ) 4. A. Thank you! B. All right.
( )5.A.Nice to meet you. B. OK!
 笔试部分 一、Read and match。(5×1′)

1、Clean the table, please. OK. Thanks! I like rice.
2、Who’s he? Merry Christmas!
3、What are those? He’s my father.
4、Merry Christmas! They are ants.
5、Have some rice, Mike. All right.
 二、Read and circle.(4×2′)

1.Have some rice/bread.

2.This is a tree/flower.

3.Look at the star/sun.

4.The bell/desk is for you.

三、Choose the right answer.(5×3′)

( ) 1. 你想告诉别人你有一个甜蜜的家庭,你会说

A.I have got a family.
B. I have got a sweet family.

( ) 2. 你想知道她是做什么工作的时候,你该问

A. What’s she?
B. Who’s she?

( ) 3. 当别人感到冷时,你该怎么对他说

A.Put on your coat.
B. Take off your coat.

( ) 4. 圣诞节到了,你该对朋友怎么说

A. Merry Christmas!
B. Happy New Years Day!

( ) 5. 你向别人介绍你的妹妹海伦时,会说

A.She’s Helen.
B. This is my sister, Helen.