
1、学习本课新单词a piece of, meat ,cross, eat, happily, its, wood, drop, lose, better

2、能掌握并用句型“A is /are more …than B”,对两事物进行比较。


4 、会用like doing more than doing 5通过本课的语言故事,使学生明白做人不要过于贪心的道理。


掌握并运用句型“A is /are more …than B”,;理解、阅读本课故事。




Word cards, Type, Drawing Instrument


Step 1 warm-up

1、 师生互相问候。

2、sing a song :The More We get together

Step 2 Presentation and drill

1 Talk about the pupils in the classroom. Point to a boy and say He is tall. Point to another boy and

say : He is taller.板书taller A is taller than B 然后学生指名谈论教室里的人或物。

Look at this picture ,Do you know who he is ?

S : Is he your brother / classmate /……?

T : Yes ,He is my friend .Now he is 32 years old.

He was 11 when he took this picture .We lived in a small village near a river .There was a bridge across the river. This is a wood bridge.

T :We went to school together happily every day .We walked to school on foot. My math was better than his ,but his Chinese was better than mine .I like reading stories .Some stories are more interesting

教师边说边板书课题:Unit 6 Some stories are more interesting


T: His father was a friendly butcher . One day ,he cut a piece of meat and gave it to a poor dog .The dog was happy .But after a while , its meat dropped into the river .Do you know why ?

教师用出示图片,教学单词, 利用图片帮助学生理解单词的含义 并引导学生猜测原因,培养学生的发散性思维能力,同时为本课的寓言故事埋下伏笔。


Step 3 Practice

游戏1、Guess ,guess ,guess !(猜一猜) 首先,教师示范做动作,其他学生猜单词,然后分组进行比赛,猜对单词最多、最快的一组为胜。最后组内互相猜测,尽量做到全员参与。

游戏2、Dragon game (接龙游戏) 将学生分成几个大组,由教师开头朗读故事的第一句,然后每一组依次读一句,直至读完整个故事,读得最流利,没错误的一组为胜。或者在小组内进行。

Step 4 Fast reading and listening


T : Peter likes reading .He sometimes reads stories to his fiends , Now , let’s enjoy his story , read it as quickly as try to answer the questions : (板书下面问题:) Who gave the dog a piece of meat ?(a man in the shop ) What did it see in the river ? (another dog ) Whether the dog lost its meat in the end ? (Yes , he did )



4、操练句型:“A is /are more …than B” 教师让学生反复朗读句子:“That piece of meat is better than mine ”,并说出它的含义。然后教师引出并板书句型:“A is /are more …than B”(A比B更……)教师引导学生学会比较两事物的不同。

如: This book is more expensive than that one .

My dress is more beautiful than yours. ……

Step 5 Intensive reading



Step 6 Consolidation

1、 通过图片先师生复述一遍后,再让学生分组复述(注意提醒动词过去式的用法与读法)。

2、 教师检测部分学生的复述情况,注意信息的反馈。

关键词:meat shop, a piece of meat , took, walked home river , on a piece of wood, cross saw, another dog , in his mouth, better opened , wanted, dropped into ,lost


4 、评价 对学生的表现进行评价,给予肯定与鼓励,引导学生自评与互评,通过评价记录学生的学习情况及进步。

Step 7 作业布置

1、练习 (见《练习册》)



Unit 2 Some stories are more interesting

句型:“A is /are more …than B”

a piece of, meat ,cross, eat, happily, its, wood, drop, lose, better