
一、 Listen and tick. (请根据听到的内容,在括号内 用“√”划出相应的图片。)

二、Listen and number. (听一听,标出序号。)

三、listen and circle(听单词,圈出正确的单词。)

1. elephant       tiger

2. green      lion

3. hammer     girl

4. mouse      lock

5. egg        hat

6. ice cream       rabbit

四、Listen and choose. (听一听,选出正确的单词。)

1. This is a

A.dog .  B.fish .

2. This is a

A.cat .  B.panda.

3. It’s a green

A. frog B.bird

4. Hello! I’m an

A.insect . B. elephant .


五、Look and choose.(选择正确的单词,把序号写在括号里。)

1. ( )

A. tiger  B. lion  C. dog

2. ( )

A. ant  B. rabbit  C. cat

3. ( )

A. mouse  B. duck  C. lion

4. ( )

A. crocodile  B. fish  C. bird

5. ( )

A. insect  B. monkey  C. lion

六、True or false. (判断句子是否与图片意思一致)

1. ( ) There are three ants.

2.( ) It’s a dog.

3. ( ) Hi! I’m a monkey.

4. ( )Is it a fish ?

七、Read and write (读句子,把句子的序号写在相应的位置上。)

1. A:__________________

B: Four .

2. A: What color?

B: __________________

3. A: What’s your name?

B: __________________

4. A: __________________

B: It’s a rabbit .

a. What’s this?
b. How many?
c. yellow
d. I’m Ken.