一. 说课



只是几个单一的单词,会让学生感到比较枯燥乏味。因此首先我从座位上作了一些改动,让学生有一个比较放松、新奇的心情参与到活动中。其次一开始就由Free talk和一首歌曲Animal Friends导入,并借此引出主题。然后设计一个去动物园的情景,带领学生去参观不同的动物,此间插入What‘s your/his/her name? Who are you? Who is he/she? 等不同的句型,特别是现在进行时的引入,让学生仔细观察动物正在干什么,并用...is doing.的句型说出来,通过动物的一举一动让学生在不知不觉间操练句型,学会说动物单词。在此情景中,让学生选择自己喜欢的动物,说说它正在干什么,然后让学生自己扮演不同的动物角色,自然地用英语表达,培养学生热爱动物之情。



二. 教学过程

(一) Free talk

1. T: Good morning.

S1: Good morning.

T: What’s your name?

S1: My name is Tiger.

T: What‘s his name?

S1: His name is Monkey.

T: Nice to meet you, Monkey.

S2: Me, too.

T: What’s her name?

S2: Her name is Pig.

T: Nice to meet you, Pig.

S3: Me, too.

2. T: Excuse me, who are you?

S4: I‘m Rabbit.

T: Who is he?

S4: He is Tiger.

T: Nice to meet you, Tiger.

S5: Me, too.

T: Who is she?

S5: She is Fish.

T: Nice to meet you.

S6: Me, too.

(二) Sing a song: Animal Friends

(三) Presentation

1. T: I love animals. Do you love animals?

Ss: Yes.

T: OK, let’s go to the zoo.

Ss: OK, let‘s go.

T: Look! This is the zoo.

Read the word “zoo”.

2. Go around the zoo and talk about the animals.

(1) T: Oh, look! Who’s there?

S: It‘s Cat.

T: The cat is ....

S: The cat is playing.

T: Is he a dog?

S: Yes, he’s dog.

T: Is he playing?

S: No, he is running.

T: The dog is running. They are friends. Are they happy?

S: Yes, they‘re happy.

(2)  T: Look! There is a river. Who is she?

S: She is fish.

T: The fish is ....

S: The fish is swimming.(Paste the picture on the Bb)

T: Who is she?

S: She’s duck.

T: The duck is ....

S: The duck is swimming.(Paste the picture on the Bb)

T: They‘re swimming. They’re friends.

(3)  T: Who‘s there?

S: It’s Panda.

T: The panda is ....

S: The panda is playing.

T: Who is he?

S: He‘s Tiger.

T: Is he playing?

S: No, he’s sleeping.

T: Sh! Who‘s she?

S: She’s Rabbit.

T: Is she sleeping?

S: No, she‘s dancing.

T: Are they happy?

S: Yes, they’re happy.

(4)  T: Who‘s he?

S: He’s Elephant.

T: Is he dancing?

S: No, he‘s singing.

T: Who’s he?

S: He‘s Monkey.

T: Is he singing.

S: Yes, he’s singing.

T: Who‘s she?

S: She’s Minnie.

T: Is she dancing?

S: Yes, she‘s dancing.

T: Who’s there?

S: It‘s Pig.

T: Is he singing.

S: No, he’s dancing.

T: They‘re ....

Ss: They’re singing and dancing.

(四) Consolidation and innovation

1. Ask Ss to choose an favourite animal and say something about it.

eg. I like the tiger.

Look! The tiger is sleeping.

2. Tell Ss to be their favourite animals and saying the sentences like examples while doing actions.

eg. I‘m Tiger. I’m sleeping.

3. A game: Copy others‘ action

Direction: Choose six Ss and ask them to stand in a vertical line back to back, then the first student can choose a picture of animal and do an action. Others must copy the action one by one and the last one should tell what the animal is.

(五) Sing a song: Goodbye

三. 评课

1. 活动课比较符合孩子的心理,可以让更多的学生参与到活动中来,但要注意增加活动课的互动性,要让学生充分展示自己的才能。

2. 活动“拷贝不走样”是本课的高潮,如果做完后可以让学生再做一个动物的动作,那会让这个活动更加活起来。

3. 在整节课中,如果可以增加一些头饰、形象的动作等,就可以将活动课的气氛充分调动出来。