
1、能听说读写单词:healthy, strong, weak, sick, week,health.并且能灵活运用。

2、会正确使用句型:How often did(do does)somebody do something? 3、能正确理解课文内容,培养学生养成良好的饮食习惯。


1、能听说读写单词:healthy, strong, weak, sick, week,health.并且能区分 healthy strong weak sick 四个单词。

2、会正确使用句型:How often did(do does)somebody do something?








一、Class opening and review

1、 用“Never Never”游戏来复习频度副词和星期的名称。

2、 复习时间短语的表示法at 7:00 ,at 7:15in the morning ,in the afternoon on Monday ,on Teacher’s Day tomorrow=next day yesterday=last day

二、New Concepts.

1、介绍healthy, strong, weak, sick,health让学生理解其意思,知道health是healthy的名词形式。

(1)师作出很强壮的样子,利用形体动作和表情让学生理解strong, healthy,并且说:I am healthy and strong.让学生跟着学,且跟读(I am healthy and strong.)

(2)接着师做出咳嗽的样子并且说:I am sick and weak.让学生跟读。

(3)让学生根据刚才的句子再看看书上的两幅图自己说说是怎样理解healthy strong weak sick最后教师纠正。

2、介绍good for you和bad for you用汉语直接告诉学生这两句话的意思,并且告诉学生good和bad是一对反义词。


出示单词卡Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday,

把这些单词卡贴在黑板上说:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday make a week.

师:I sometimes wash dishes.并且在一周的两天下面画“√”,

然后自问自答:How often do I wash dishes?----Two times a week.

把How often写在黑板上,

师:I sometimes wash clothes.并且在一周的一天下面画“√”,

找一个学生与自己对话,让学生问自己回答,介绍once a week.

三、Learn the text

1、 注意本课的短语once a week.哪位学生找到它?我们要说once a week,而不能说one time a week.

2、 注意教科书复习了早餐食物的名称。

3、 跟录音机读课文,并理解课文内容。告诉学生怎样的生活习惯对自己的身体有好处。


1、同桌两读课文。其中一名学生strong and healthy,另一名扮作weak and sick,两人用上这四个词作对话练习,并且找两组同学演示。

2、 想想以前学过的课文是怎样问早餐吃了什么编排对话的,在本课用上how often编排对话。最后也找两同学演示。


Warming-up and leading-in

五、Greetings and Revision


教师播放歌曲 “Are you strong?” 在轻松的氛围中展开本次教学,为新知识的教授进行铺垫。

T: Are you ready for our class?

Good morning!

T:Let’s enjoy a song, OK?

2 针对歌曲内容,转而提问学生“Are you strong?”

六、Presentation and Practice

1.New Words:

strong, healthy

A教师借助图片及肢体动作,帮助学生理解并掌握单词的意思,如教师拍拍胸膛,然后做出“strong man”的样子,同时说“strong” “healthy”

B强调字母及字母组合发音 /s //tr / / ɔ:ŋ/,

/h/ /el/ /θ/ /I /

c. 调动学生利用肢体语言表现 strong and healthy,增加趣味性,并引导学生表达身高,体重。

T: Can you show?

T:Oh, yes. How tall are you?

T: What’s

2. Let’s practice!

Finish Let’s do it part1.



T: Everyone wants to be healthy and strong. But, what should you do first? Can you guess?

Yes! Always have breakfast.

七、Listen and answer

a.T: My friend Kim also wants to be healthy and strong. Let’s listen how often Kim had breakfast last week.

b. 出示表格,Let the students guess which day she didn’t have breakfast.

C. 观察图片回答

When did she have breakfast?

c. 教师以询问的方式了解学生们吃早饭情况,并为小组活动做示范。

How often did you have breakfast last week?

When did you have breakfast?

d. pair work(小组活动,针对重点句型进行操练,了解对方吃早餐情况)

八、Watch and judge

T: Kim did good work, but what about Danny and Li Ming? Let’s watch.

a. ( F) Danny had breakfast twice last week.

T: How often did Danny have breakfast?

课件详解 one time =once

two times =twice

three times

four times

five times

……。 times

b. ( F ) Danny had hamburgers for breakfast.

What do you often have for breakfast?

c. ( F ) Danny had breakfast at 6:15 on Tuesday morning.

d.( T )Li Ming has breakfast every day.

对always 加深理解

Is Li Ming healthy and strong?

九、Talk and write.


T: Everyone wants to be healthy and strong.

We should always have breakfast.

What else can we do? Discuss with your partner.

b. Finish the dialogue.

十、Read after the tape.



Name read books

play computer games

play sports

T: T: Good morning!

How are you?

How often do you ……?

…。.is/ are good for you.

Be healthy and strong.



1、Write the words.

2.Read the text .

3、Finish the exercises .

Make an interview about how often your family have breakfast and write it down.


Lesson 7: Always eat Breakfast !

How often did(do does)somebody do something?