一, 教学目标:

1, 知识目标:使学生学会单词 pajamas slippers underwear towel keys money handkerchief swimsuit,和句型Is this money yours ? Are these Mom’s keys ? Is this hers?的运用。

2, 能力目标:学生在学习的过程中,培养学生听说读写的能力。

3, 情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣。

二, 教学重点难点:

1, 教学重点:掌握单词pajamas slippers underwear towel keys money handkerchief swimsuit和句型Is this money yours ? Are these Mom’s keys ? Is this hers?

2, 教学难点: 单词的正确发音和句子的运用。

三, 教学准备:


四, 教学过程:

Step1: warming up

a. Greeting


a. Review :

show some pictures , have students say some words about clothes and review sentences of what are these ? they are…引出新句型: Is this money yours ? Are these Mom’s keys ? Is this hers?

b. Lead in :

1,show a picture of pajamas.

T: Are these pajamas yours?

S: No, they aren’.

2,Show slippers (呈现实物)

T: Are these slippers yours ?

S: No, they aren’.

3,Show keys (呈现实物)

T: Are these Mom’s keys?

S: I don’t know.

4,Show towel(呈现实物)

T: Is this hers ?

S: Yes, it is.

Step 3: Practice

a. 各种方式读单词

b. 请学生上台把对应的单词图片贴好

c. 书面练习

Step 4: Activity

a. Game :




Step 5: Homework:

a. Copy the new words.

b. Read the book at page 44.