A little louse and a little flea kept house together. They were brewing beer in an eggshell when the little louse fell in and burned herself to death. At this the little flea began to cry loudly.

Then the little parlor door said, "Why are you crying, little flea?"

"Because little louse has burned herself to death."

Then the little door began to creak.

Then a little broom in the corner said, "Why are you creaking, little door?"

"Why should I not be creaking?

Little louse has burned herself to death.

Little flea is crying."

Then the little broom began to sweep furiously.

Then a little cart came by and said, "Why are you sweeping, little broom?"

"Why should I not be sweeping?

Little louse has burned herself to death.

Little flea is crying.

Little door is creaking."
