
Part D and Part G


1.巩固前两课所学的食物类单词,能用"What would you like ?"询问他人,并会用"I'd like …"进行回答。

2. 能用"What can you see in the picture ?""How many ?"正确询问并回答。






Can use the patterns to make dialogue freely.


Read say the rhyme


Step 1.Revision.

1. To review the words of foods

T:What can you see in the picture?

S:I can see …

2. Listen to the tape (Say a rhyme),and say after it .

3. Students make a new rhyme.(教师给予一定指导)

Model: What would you like ?

I'd like some orange juice .

What would you like ?

I'd like some milk .

Sure , they're very nice .

4. Free talk :

T:Shall we go to the KFC , A?

S:Great.How do we go there ?

T:Shall we go to the KFC by bus ?

S:No,let's go by minibus .

T:OK . Let's go .

Step 2 Look at the picture of Part G 2

1. Ask Questions:

(1) What can you see in the picture ? I can see some …

(2) How many ?

(3) Do you like sandwiches?

(4) I'd like …

2. Students ask in pairs and fill in the blanks of the table.

3. Teacher asks the students and checks the answers.

Step 3: Presention and practice:

T:Let's go and buy something to eat.


T:Who act the waiter and the waitress.

(Two students act the waiter and the waitress.)

1. Teacher makes a model with some students.

S1:What would you like ?

T:I'm hungry .I'd like a humburger.

S1:Anything else ?

T: I'm thirsty , too.I'd like a glass of juice .

S1:Hot or cold ?

T:Hot , please.

S1:Here you are .

T:Here's my humburger and a glass of juice. Thank you. How much are they ?

S1:They're 18 yuan .

2. Students go to buy something to eat in a group.

3. Act out the dialogue.

Step 4:Consolidation:

Look at the book of page 56.Act a waiter or a waitress , ask your classmates and fill in the blanks.

Step 5:Homework:

1.Oral homework:

Ask the friends and family members :If they go to the KFC or Mc,"What would you like ?"

2. Written homework:

Finish the Part D of the workbook.